Friends of Fulbright are Rice University faculty, staff - and friends! - who have held a Fulbright in the past. If you are a current Rice faculty or staff member who would like to be included on this list, please email for information.

Adria Baker
Fulbright@Rice | USA

Kathleen Canning
Dean, School of Humanities | USA

Simona Cupic
Visiting Professor of Art History | Serbia

Caroline Levander
Vice President for Global and Digital Strategy | USA

Fabiola Lopez Duran
Associate Professor of Art History | Venezuela

Jorge Loyo
NEWT Assoc. Director of University Education | Mexico

Seiichi Matsuda
Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Rice Graduate Admissions Contact | USA

Anthony Potoczniak
Office of International Students and Scholars | Fulbright Houston