Andrii Leonov, Fulbright at Rice University

WEBSITE(S)| Philosophy Program

Program: Philosophy
Home Country: Ukraine

I'm a PhD philosophy student at Rice. I was a Fulbright graduate student (Master's) at SIU Carbondale (Carbondale, IL) from 2017 to 2019. In summer 2019, I became a grantee of 2019 Edmund S. Muskie Summer Internship Program to pursue one of my philosophical projects at University of Miami (Miami, FL).

On Rice:

The thing I like most about Rice is that it's a well-respected research university with rich traditions. The thing I like most about Houston is its music, culture, and restaurants.

On Fulbright:

It's a program which destroys cultural misunderstandings and, instead, enhances cultural understanding and empathy among the nations and thus helps world peace and harmony to really happen.