Elsa Acosta Rice University Fulbright Scholar

WEBSITE(S)| Electrical & Computer Engineering Program

Program: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Home Country: Mexico

I was born and raised in Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico. I am the middle child in a 5-people family. I studied my B.S. in Electrical Engineering at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey. Back in that time, I had the opportunity to explore the bioelectronics field with projects such as Brain on Art, exoskeletons, and telemetric diagnosis. Moreover, I lived one semester in Saudi Arabia developing Smart Textiles to interface the body and electronics in a seamless way for health monitoring. After graduating I spent one year working at John Deere Electronic Solutions, before joining Rice University to pursue an M.S./Ph.D. as a Fulbrighter. Currently, my research goals involve the development of neural interfaces to tackle neurological impairments and diseases by merging the fields of electronics and medicine.

On Rice:

The supportive community at Rice is incredible and the campus is beautiful, perfect for a relaxing stroll. The sunsets in Houston are mesmerizing!

On Fulbright:

What I like the most from the Fulbright Program is networking with talented and multicultural people, driven by the common idea of changing the world from their own, varied trenches.

Fun Fact:

I love to dance! From ballet to salsa, I love all the rhythms... well, almost all.